Dismissed RPF constable Chetan Singh Chaudhary, who has been arrested for killing four passengers, including his senior, on board a train in July last year, has sought transfer from the Akola jail to a prison near Mumbai for a “fair trial and natural justice”. The Dindoshi court has ordered the Akola jail authorities to produce the accused at the next hearing scheduled on March 30. It also sought a report from the authorities of Arthur Road jail and Navi Mumbai's Taloja prison on whether he can be lodged at these facilities.
Chaudhary was shifted to 'unsafe' place
In the plea moved on Monday before the Dindoshi court, Chaudhary's lawyer Jayant Patil said that his client was shifted to a remote and unsafe place without taking expert opinion or formal order from the metropolitan magistrate court, after he was remanded to judicial custody. The application said the accused was facing serious charges, and hence, his presence in the courtroom was necessary. The Arthur Road and Taloja prisons are safer and convenient as they are just 25 km and 49 km, respectively, from Dindoshi sessions court, the plea contended.
Patil further said that the accused was shifted to Akola on the ground of his safety. However, he was not being produced before Mumbai court owing to the same reason, he contended. Chaudhary should be produced before the court as he wants to move the discharge plea for which he needs to take instructions from him, argued Patil.
Court seeks reply from prison authorities
After hearing the plea, the court sought a reply from prison authorities. “Call the report of Central Jail, Arthur Road and Taloja whether the accused can be lodged in the jails within the jurisdiction of this court so that trial will be expedited and matter will proceed,” sessions judge said.
Chaudhary is accused of fatally shooting his senior officer Assistant Sub-Inspector Tika Ram Meena and three Muslim passengers on board the Jaipur-Mumbai Central Express on July 31, 2023.