Mumbai: The Khar police have booked an unknown person for allegedly duping a bank manager of Rs2.38 lakh under the pretext of giving her a doctor's appointment. According to the first information report (FIR), Rashmi Kamboj, 54, who works as an operations manager at the BKC branch of the Standard Chartered Bank, wanted to make an appointment at the Hinduja Hospital. She called the hospital number – 912245108989 – saved in her mobile. A man told her that she would not get an appointment at the Khar branch of the hospital, but she could book her visit to the main hospital at Mahim.
Duped through malicious link
The caller then informed the aggrieved that he will send her a link to a form which she has to fill out and pay Rs10. She followed the instructions and tried to transfer Rs10 through Gpay thrice, but in vain. Soon she got a call from the fraudster, saying that the doctor's appointment has been fixed for June 1 at 8am.
When the woman accordingly went to the Hinduja Hospital, she got to know that her appointment was not fixed, so she booked an appointment on her own. Then, the same night at 8pm, when Rashmi was doing online shopping, she came to know that her account didn't had enough balance. Next day, she went to the bank and was shocked to find that between May 30 and June 1, someone had debited Rs2,37,995 from her account. Rashmi realised that she was a victim of cyber fraud and lodged a complaint under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code as well as the Information Technology Act.
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