The South Region Cyber Cell Police on Sunday arrested a 20-year-old man from Madhya Pradesh for his involvement in a cyber fraud case. The accused and his associates hacked SIM card of the complainant and transferred ₹90 lakh from his account. Cyber police arrested Mukul Ashram Singh, who is a resident of Gwalior.
Details of fraud
According to information received from the police, the complainant Mahesh Jhavar (62) from Peddar Road, who works in stock market and construction, lodged a complaint with South Mumbai cyber police. In which he told that his mobile number is linked to his bank account, on which he suddenly got a message that ₹90 lakh has been withdrawn from the account. He told that ₹90 lakh was transferred from his bank account to another bank account in 5 transactions.
According to a police source, Jhavar was in his office when he received a message that money had been deducted from his bank account. Jhavar immediately called the employee handling his account and asked him for information about this. The employee then called the bank relationship manager and came to know that ₹90 lakh had been debited from Jhavar's bank account.
Accused arrested, further investigation underway
As soon as the complaint was received, the police started investigation and found out that the accused had hacked the SIM card of the complainant and used the OTP generated for banking purposes to transfer the amount.
A police official said that while investigating the money trail in this case, the police got the description of Singh and later arrested him. His associates involved in the crime are being searched. Police are investigating for how long the complainant's mobile SIM was suspended and how the fraud was carried out.
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