New Delhi: Congress general secretary (communication) Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday explained how the tender conditions were changed to exclude the previous winner of the bid to redevelop Mumbai's Dharavi area and allow the Adani group to win a fresh tender with a much lower bid.
He exposed, in a statement, in considerable detail how the process was manipulated to help the Adani Group. The highest bidder for ₹7,200 crore in the original November 2018 tender was Dubai-based Seclink Technology Corporation. That tender was cancelled in November 2020 because of the transfer of associated railway land.
Fresh tender
A fresh tender was issued in October 2022 by the Maharashtra Urban Development Ministry that came directly under Deputy CN Devendra Fadnavis. The Adani group won it with a bid of ₹5,069 crore.
Jairam said the deadline for the slum redevelopment as extended, and the penalty for further delay is capped at ₹2 crore per year.
He wanted to know whether PM Modi forced the BJP-supported Maharashtra Government to change the tender conditions to exclude the original winner and once again help his favourite business group. Will even the slum-dwellers not be spared by the Modani cash machine, Jairam asked.