Mumbai: The Pelhar police achieved a breakthrough in the chilling murder case in Vasai of eight-year-old Chandani Saha. The primary suspect, a 16-year-old boy residing in the same chawl as the victim, was detained alongside his father for their alleged roles in the kidnapping and murder.
The victim, Chandani went missing on Saturday (Nov 2) after buying ice cream near her residence in Vanyacha Pada, Vasai East. Her mechanic father initiated a search but couldn't trace her. Later he filed a missing case with the Pelhar police. Her decomposed body was tragically discovered by the police in a nearby chawl room on Monday after a foul smell was reported from the locked, vacant room.
Investigation Unearths Chilling Evidences
Earlier in the investigation, a suspect was detained on Tuesday, initially believed to be an accomplice but later revealed as a witness, as per reports. This witness disclosed that he observed the accused following Chandani after she left the ice cream shop, redirecting the investigation.
Further searches in the case at the accused's residence brought forward chillling evidence linking him to the murder. The father, Ramehwar Sudhakar Karale, was immediately arrested and confessed that his son had killed Chandani on Saturday, hiding her body behind the chawl. Upon discovering the crime, Karale moved the body to their home before disposing of it in an adjacent vacant room.
Prime Accused Held From Jalna
The police apprehended the main accused at the Jalna bus depot, and brought him back to Mumbai for further questioning. The investigation further aims to verify Karale's statement through interrogating the main accused, shedding light on the motive behind the kidnapping and murder. Additionally, the potential involvement of Karale's wife and daughter in this tragic incident remains a focus of the ongoing inquiry.