Mumbai: The Bombay High Court dismissed a petition filed by Shri Durga Parmeshwari Seva Mandal, an organization led by Rakhee Jadhav, a former NCP Corporator from Ghatkopar. The petition challenged the rejection of permission for conducting Ganpati immersion at 'Acharya Atre Maidan' in Ghatkopar.
A division bench of Justices Gautam Patel and Kamal Khata dismissed the petition, observing that no individual possesses a vested right to conduct Ganpati immersion on any particular grounds. If the Corporation chooses to arrange or organise immersion on those grounds, it is well within its rights to do so.
Plea states BMC rejected the permission at the behest of BJP spokesperson
The Mandal had approached the High Court to challenge the denial of permission for Ganpati immersion at 'Acharya Atre Maidan' in Ghatkopar. The plea alleged that the BMC rejected the permission at the behest of BJP spokesperson Balachandra Shirsat.
Advocate Jeet Gandhi, representing Shirsat, along with the BMC, informed the High Court that, for this year, the Corporation would be solely responsible for arranging and organizing Ganpati immersion in the Ghatkopar vicinity. Consequently, no permissions were granted to any individuals.