Ujjain: In a disturbing incident from Madhya Pradesh's Ujjain district, a 12-year-old girl was seen walking in a semi-naked and blood-stained condition after she was raped. A CCTV footage of the incident showed the girl walking the streets of a colony and pleading for help but was refused – and in one instance shooed away – by people. The incident raised questions on tall claims made by leaders on the safety of girl children and women in society.
According to the police, the girl was found with injuries on Monday evening near Dandi Ashram on Badnagar Road which falls under the Mahakal police station area.
The girl's clothes were torn and there were also blood stains on her body as she had bled heavily. Shocking details emerged about the case as the girl, with nowhere to go, had to ask for help in the colonies of Sanvarakhedi Simhastha Bypass. However, a video clip showed the girl being shooed away even as she asked for help from the people.
The girl, who reportedly walked for more than eight kilometres and over two-and-a-half hours, was finally helped by a priest of an ashram where she reached on foot. The girl was given a towel by the priest so she could cover herself and then taken to the district hospital for a check-up.
From there, she was taken to the Indore hospital and she had also lost blood. The police personnel came to her rescue and volunteered for blood donation.
However, when the senior police officials asked the girl what happened, her replies were not coherent as the girl was understably not out of the trauma.
Ujjain police chief Sachin Sharma informed that a police team had been formed to nab the accused and said that a case has also been registered under the stringent Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) act as rape was confirmed.
Police also said that the girl's accent indicates of hints that she is from Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh. However, she has not given all details by her yet and also claimed that something wrong was done with her mother too, but couldn't elaborate further on her comments. Investigation is underway in the case.
Meanwhile, former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Kamal Nath also posted on X about the incident. "It is heart-wrenching to see a case of extremely cruel abuse of a small girl in Ujjain," said the Congress leader in his tweet.
"Madhya Pradesh is becoming the most unsafe state for daughters. For this government, the safety of daughters is only a matter of advertisements and speeches," wrote Kamal Nath in another post.
DCW Chief Swati Maliwal also reacted on the issue and took to X to lambast at the administration for the incident.