Garoth (Madhya Pradesh): In a tragic incident reported in Rundi village which falls under Shamgarh police station area of Mandsaur district, a man identified as Prakash Banjara, hanged himself along with his two children, daughter Suman, and son Akash on Monday.
The incident has shocked the community, with the deceased leaving behind a suicide note detailing months of harassment and torture allegedly inflicted by one Raju Banjara and others in the village.
Prakash Banjara, who sold blankets on a motorcycle, had returned from a sales trip to South India, on Sunday night. On Monday, he took the extreme step of ending his and his children's lives.
The suicide note mentions the ongoing harassment and misbehaviour towards his wife by Raju Banjara and his family for the past three to four months. Despite complaints, no action was taken by the police, according to the note. Raju is accused of tearing the wife's clothes and threatening to buy off the police with his money.
Authorities, including Garoth ASP and SDOP, are investigating the incident. The tragic event has once again raised concerns about the safety and security of individuals in rural communities, urging authorities to take prompt action against perpetrators of harassment and violence.
Suicide Prevention Helpline no. | AASRA