Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): The CBI raided offices and residences of CGST officials in Jabalpur and arrested three including GST Superintendent on Wednesday noon. Later, in the evening, two more CGST officers who were on run, were nabbed.
GST Superintendent Kapil Kamble, Inspector Vikas Gupta, Inspector Pradeep Hazari and Inspector Virendra Jain were arrested after a large amount of money was recovered from the officers' cabins & residences.
The CBI recovered a total of Rs 83.26 lakh from the officials. Of which, Rs 62.29 lakh were recovered from their houses while Rs 20.97 lakh were found in their office cabins.
The most-- over Rs 56 lakh, were recovered from GST inspector Pradeep Hazari. Of which, Rs 41 lakh were seized from his house while Rs 16.88 lakh were recovered from his office cabin.
Rs 18.29 lakh seized from GST inspector Vikas Gupta's house while Rs 1.50 lakh were recovered from his office cabin.
Rs 3 lakh seized from GST superintendent Pradeep Kamble's house
Rs 2.60 lakh recovered from GST inspector Virendra Jain's office