Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The Government Railway Police (GRP) rescued a minor girl who had fled to Indore from Kota. Before leaving home, she had taken Rs 44,000 from her home without informing her parents.
While on duty, ASI Santosh Sharma and female constable Deepika found the girl lying on a bench at Indore’s Railway Station on platform number 1 at around 9:30 am on Thursday (August 1). As they noticed something suspicious, the female constable approached and spoke to the girl.
Left home after argument with parents
According to the police, the girl identified herself as a resident of Balakund, Kota. She mentioned that her home is near Jawahar Nagar Petrol Pump in Balakund. After an argument with her parents, she left home without informing anyone.
The girl explained to the constable how she reached Indore. She had boarded a train from Kota and arrived in Indore, where she was waiting for another train.
Father came from Kota to take daughter back
The girl was then brought to the GRP Police Station in Indore. During questioning, she disclosed that she had brought Rs 43,900 cash with her, which she took from her home. The police contacted her father and informed him that his daughter was safe with them in Indore.
Her father and other family members arrived at the station to take her home. The girl, along with the cash amount of Rs 43,900, was handed over to her father in the presence of witnesses. The witnesses signed the handover document, and photographs were taken.