Badnawar (Madhya Pradesh): A family was robbed of cash and precious jewellery of over Rs 4.5 lakh at knifepoint at their home in Khiledi village under Dhar district. The incident took place in Badnawar town under the jurisdiction of Kanwan Police Station on Saturday night.
In his police complaint, Mishrilal Parmar, a local trader said that some unidentified miscreants barged into his house from the entrance of his shop and tied up hands and legs of all family members at knifepoint and even threatened to kill them if they shouted for help. Tying them up, they opened the almirah and took out gold, silver jewellery and cash and fled from the house. The incident caused panic in the area. On being informed, Kanwan SHO Ram Singh Rathore, SDOP Sher Singh Bhuriya along with the police force reached the crime scene but the accused had already managed to flee from the scene.
House owner Parmar said that thieves broke into his house and fled away with 4 gold chains, 4 gold bangles, 2 gold rings, 3 gold mangalsutras, 1 gold necklace and cash. He cited the price of missing ornaments of over Rs 15 lakh. The police were informed following which a case was registered.
Rajesh Chauhan, sub-inspector (SI) of Kanwan police station, said that teams have been assigned to investigate the matter and one team has been sent to Bagh-Tanda area to nab the culprits. CCTV footage will be analysed and the case will be solved at the earliest.