Dhar (Madhya Pradesh): Dhar police arrested the accused husband on Friday, who murdered his wife and later burned the body behind his house in the night. Though the incident was reported on April 17, was came to the fore four-day after an incident on Friday when the deceased brother asked about his sister’s whereabouts, police said.
Police informed that the incident reported at Dehar village falls under Nisarpur police out-post, where accused Radhu, 40, murdered his wife Dayabai, 35. According to the information, Radhu runs a grocery shop in the village, and he had a dispute with Daya on April 17, and after that, she disappeared.
When neighbours asked him about Daya, he told them that she went out of the village. Notably, Daya was Radhu’s second wife, and the couple had one 12-year-old boy.
How crime disclosed
Kukshi police station in-charge Brajesh Kumar Malviya said on Thursday, when Daya’s brother asked Radhu about his sister’s whereabouts, he said that she had gone for Narmada Parikrama.
Following this, the deceased brother had a suspicion. He lodged his sister’s missing complaint and raised suspicions about Radhu. Radhu was arrested and questioned by police on Friday. Initially, Radhu tried to mislead the police, but later he confessed to the murder of his wife. The police team immediately rushed to the spot where he brunt the body and recovered pieces of bone from there and sent them to the lab for examination.
Neighbours who were shocked after they knew the reality said that when they saw Radhu burning something behind his house, they asked him about what he was burning, and he told them that a snake used to annoy him. He killed that snake and is now cremating it.
During police interrogation, the accused informed that two trolleys of wood were kept near the school located near his house. After murdering his wife, he used the same wood to burn the body.