Guna (Madhya Pradesh): Guna police have solved a missing case in which a 16-year-old girl went missing on November 11. A complaint was filed by her parents at Kotwali police station. The mother suspected her abduction.
In her complaint, she said that her daughter had been missing since November 11. In the evening hours, she left home to fetch groceries from a local shop but didn’t return after late night.
The family searched the entire area and asked her friends but couldn’t trace her. Failing to locate her, the parents approached Kotwali police station and filed a police complaint. Based on the complaint, a case was registered under section 363 of the IPC.
Further investigation was launched. A police team was formed to find the missing girl. The technical team and local sources were alerted to the whereabouts of the missing girl.
Acting on a tip-off, during an extensive search operation, police found the missing girl and handed her over to family safely on Friday. Further probe is underway. More information is awaited in this case.