Shajapur (Madhya Pradesh): An investiture ceremony was held at Kautilya Education Academy. Addressing students at the ceremony, collector and district legal service authority’s secretary Rajendra Devra said, ‘Strive to become a team leader not a part of the herd of sheep. India has had several great leaders such as Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhimrao Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi. They were known for their thinking and exemplary work.’
‘Nobody is a born prodigy and everyone begins from zero, so the next time we do something, we will start from level one because each time we learn something,’ Devra added.
The programme was presided over by social worker Manakchand Bothra, academy operator Brajesh Yadav, principal Narendra Singh Dodiya among others. Teachers of the institution took part in the ceremony in overwhelming numbers.
Before the investiture ceremony, selected students took part in an oath ceremony. They were then directed to their respective classes and groups and allotted responsibilities.