Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh): In an ongoing dispute between relatives, two brothers together stabbed their own cousin to death. After the incident, the relatives of the victim created ruckus in the hospital. CSP Om Prakash Mishra said that 22-year-old Akash was stabbed by his cousins Bunty and Sunny for stationing a handcart outside the house.
The relatives took bleeding Akash to the district hospital. Though the doctors immediately took him to the OT for treatment, he could not be saved. The relatives created a ruckus and ransacked the OT.
Akash was taken to a private hospital where the doctors declared him brought dead. The relatives created a ruckus there too. Kotwali police station and Mahakal police Station officials reached the spot as soon as they got the information. Akash’s body was brought from the private hospital to the district hospital and kept in the PM room.
The post-mortem of the deceased will be done in the morning. The dispute had been going on for the last 5 years. According to CSP Mishra, raids have been carried out at some places in search of the perpetrators but they could not be found till reports last came in.