Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In another case of efficiency, the cops reunited a 6-year-old girl with her parents within two hours in the Palasia area late on Thursday. The girl left her place to meet her aunt, who lives on the ground floor of the building but the little girl reached about a kilometre away from her house!
Palasia police station Sanjay Singh Bais said the mother of the girl, a resident of Badi Gwaltoli area, reached the police station around 1 am and informed that her daughter was missing. The girl had left her house to go to visit her aunt who lives in the ground floor of the same building but had not reached her destination.
After finding her missing for more than an hour, the family members started a frantic search in the area. When their attempts turned out to be futile, the harried mother rushed to the police station.
The cops constituted a team which started a search operation for the little girl in the area.
The team reached about a kilometre away from the area and found the girl roaming in the area. The girl was taken under custody and was handed over to her family members. The grateful parents were elated to receive their child hale and hearty. They expressed their gratitude to the police.
Police claimed that they had received information about 1 am and they managed to find the girl around 3 am and she was handed over to her family members.