Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Due to his addiction to online games, a boy allegedly stole cash and valuables worth lakhs of rupees from his place in the Juni Indore area, police said on Sunday. Police have registered a case against the boy on the complaint of his mother and he is being searched for. According to the Juni Indore police station staff, a case has been registered against a youth under section 380 of the IPC on the complaint of his mother, a resident of Jeevandeep Colony.
The woman informed the police that her son has allegedly stolen a gold chain, two bangles, eight gold rings, two gold tops and Rs 75,000 in cash. She informed the police that her son also sold the gold to a bullion trader.
Police said that he is addicted to playing online games and has also lost some money in it. He could not be detained till the filing of the report. Police said that the exact reason for committing theft could be known only after the arrest of the youth. The police are also gathering information about the bullion trader, who bought the gold ornaments from the youth.