Indore (Madhya Pradesh): As many as 314 MSME units located in the district will get a grant of Rs 41 crore on Wednesday. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will transfer the grant with a single click.
The distribution of financial assistance to industries established under the Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) will be done on Wednesday at 11 am by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan with a single click from Bhopal. The programme will be held virtually in the NIC room located at the collector's office. Capital investment of Rs 736.11 cr. has been made by 423 industrial units in the district.
As per the Madhya Pradesh MSME Promotion Scheme, 2021, there is a provision whereby MSME units to be established and expanded in the district can avail 40% industry development grant in four equal annual instalments. As per the scheme, fixed capital investment made by the industry in plant and machinery and factory building and shed is taken into account for approval of industry development grant. In this financial year, a grant of more than Rs 99 cr. has been distributed to eligible MSME units under the scheme including 15 units set up by women entrepreneurs.
Under the Madhya Pradesh MSME Promotion Scheme, 2021, a 48% grant is given to SC and ST and women entrepreneurs and up to 60% industry development grant is given to the exporting units exporting more than 50% of the production.
Financial assistance is being provided to the food processing, pharmaceutical, engineering, readymade garment, confectionery, furniture and footwear manufacturing industrial units established in the district as per their eligibility. Two self-employment schemes of the government, Prime Minister's Employment Generation Programme and Chief Minister's Udyan Kranti Yojana, are being implemented to set up one's own enterprise.