Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In an unexpected twist, police investigating a scam involving fake sales of MP Civil Services Exam (Prelims) question papers found that the perpetrator was a class 10 student. Hailing from Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan, the student had picked up fraud techniques from YouTube and aimed to spend the ill-gotten money on expensive clothes and shoes.
According to Indore Police, the student set up a Telegram channel claiming to sell the preliminary question papers of the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) exam for Rs 2,500 each. A QR code was provided for payments via UPI. Once a buyer paid, the student would block their number, defrauding two to four candidates.
The student did not have any real exam papers and made false claims to scam people. The student used the money from these scams to buy high-priced clothes, shoes, and dine at fancy restaurants.
The Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Tushar Singh said the student learned how to commit online fraud from YouTube. The student has been given a notice under the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and a detailed investigation is ongoing. Additionally, the student is also accused of cheating by pretending to sell National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) papers, and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is looking into this case with help from the Rajasthan Police.