Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Days after his wife appeared for the interview, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (DAVV)’s Board of Studies of Life Sciences chairman Prof K Hajela pointed out some alleged irregularities in the ongoing recruitment of teaching staff in the university.
However, a big question has arisen over his intentions due to the timing of the complaint, which, interestingly, remained restricted to recruitments in the Life Sciences department.
In a letter addressed vice-chancellor and executive council members, Hajela said, “In the subject Life Sciences the list of allied subjects is made arbitrarily. Mainly subjects viz Biochemistry and Microbiology are NOT included in it.
Both subjects are taught regularly in School of Life Sciences but were not included in the list of eligible subjects. In SET Exam 2018, 2022 (MPPSC) included Biochemistry and Microbiology.”
“Even when Microbiology is not on the list of allied subjects,” he said, “one candidate with MSc Microbiology, another candidate with MSc Applied Microbiology and a third one with MSc Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology were made eligible and appeared for interview. However, one candidate MSc degree in Applied Microbiology was not called for interview.”
Renu Jain |
Catch In Wife’s Case!
In his complaint, Hajela who is a faculty member at School of Life Sciences said, “Biochemistry is not in the list of given and allied subject but one candidate Sumati Hajela (who happens to be his wife) with MSc Biochemistry was made eligible and appeared for interview. However, two candidates with MSc in Biochemistry were not called for interview.”
Sources stated that there is a catch in the complaint related to his wife's case.
They claimed that K Hajela had doubts about whether his wife would be selected as Biochemistry was not on the list of allied subjects.
“The doubt perhaps turned into certainty after the interview resulting in his raising the issue of so-called irregularities,” a senior professor at DAVV said wishing anonymity.
The timing of the complaint about alleged irregularities also points towards it. The complaint letters were written on July 31, three to four days after interviews for the School of Life Sciences.
Hajela Puts Banerjee Under Lens
Putting the integrity of Dr Tushar Banerjee under the lens, Hajela said, “I would also like to mention that the HoD School of Life Science was himself an applicant for the post of professor and associate professor.
University administration in its notice dated 28/11/22 made him a member of the scrutiny committee for both general and reserved posts. This implies that the HoD has not informed the university that he is an applicant and was performing his duties as HoD when the recruitment process was going on. This is a direct conflict of interest.”
He added, “Sending all the application forms to an applicant, Dr Banerjee, is a total breach of confidentiality.”