Kolkata: The leaders of the CPI(M) and DYFI set the stage for the Lok Sabha campaign on Sunday at Kolkata's iconic Brigade Parade Ground. The culmination of the young leaders' 50-day 'Insaaf' yatra took place at Brigade Parade Ground, where senior CPI(M) leader Md Salim criticised both the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Trinamool Congress (TMC).
Addressing the crowd, Salim stated that TMC's 'corruption' increased after the BJP came to power in 2014. He accused Mamata Banerjee of being focused on dynasty politics and only concerned about her family. Salim emphasized that the Brigade rally marked the beginning, and Party workers would reach out to strengthen the party at every booth ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.
In response to skeptics claiming that large rally attendance doesn't translate into votes, Salim asserted that in the 2024 elections, people would vote against corruption. He dismissed the notion that the country didn't progress after the Left Front was ousted, emphasizing that voters would focus on their basic rights of food, shelter, and employment.
Despite seven rallies in Kolkata merging at the Brigade Parade Ground, Left Front supporters chanted slogans against Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Some expressed grievances about their democratic rights being infringed upon by both BJP and TMC.
Youth Leader Minakshi Mukherjee, who contested against TMC Supremo Mamata Banerjee and BJP heavyweight Suvendu Adhikari in the 2021 Assembly elections in Nandigram, urged youths to unite against both BJP and TMC for their basic rights.
Leader of the Opposition in the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari, questioned the CPI(M)'s stance, stating it was dubious that they called TMC a thief in Bengal while having alliances elsewhere. TMC spokesperson Kunal Ghosh expressed confidence that despite the Brigade rally, people in Bengal would vote for TMC, and those who 'hate' TMC would vote for BJP.