Delhi BJP leader Vijay Goel, who has been raising the issue of stray dogs in the national capital, got involved in a fresh controversy after a video allegedly showed him snatching a girl's mobile phone as she was recording the meeting that Goel was addressing. The video shows a woman confronting Goel for telling people not to feed dogs. Goel responds to the question by telling the people to "remain quiet" while answering their question and says that "I told them that it is not necessary that feeding to RWM should be done..."
"Why are you recording?" Asks Goel
However, Goel snaps when he sees a girl recording his comment and gets up from his seat angrily and also tries to snatch the girl's mobile. "Are you more smart, are you more smart? Why are you recording, am I recording you."
At this moment, the people present there say that others are recording the incident too. The video comes to an end at this point.
Earlier controversy
This is not the first time that Vijay Goel has been in the news regarding the issue of stray dogs. Earlier, there was an unconfirmed video which purportedly showed Goel kicking a bowl of milk kept for strays.
Ruckus at previous seminar
In an earlier seminar held by Goel on the stray dog menace, a ruckus had broken out after animal activist Yogita Bhayana had got into an argument with the people in the seminar.
The stray dog menace in Delhi became a talking point after two siblings aged 5 years and 7 years were mauled to death by a pack of stray dogs. A month later, another attack by stray dogs targeting another boy came to light, raising demands for action against the issue.