In a dramatic incident on late Thursday, a car caught fire near the Telugu Thalli flyover Visakhapatnam city of Andhra Pradesh. The incident created chaos and panic among motorists as heavy traffic compounded the situation.
The car, whose occupants acted swiftly, managed to evacuate safely as the flames rapidly consumed the vehicle. The incident aggravated the already congested traffic, leading to a significant jam.
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A video of the incident was captured and shared on social media. It showed plume of smoke billowing from the burning car, causing concern among onlookers and further intensifying the rush-hour chaos.
A similar incident was reported in North Delhi's Alipur earlier this month when a massive fire broke out in a car on the highway in North Delhi's Alipur. The incident occurred near the Palm Green Hotel in Alipur on National Highway 44.
The incident was caught on camera, and video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that a Hyundai Santro has caught fire and massive blaze can be seen emanating out of the car.