Police authorities and the residents of Dankaur in Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh clashed on Wednesday after a businessman's 16-year-old was murdered after being missing for nine days. The family of the deceased alleged inaction by the police since the boy was reported missing.
The police were informed about the disappearance of Vaibhav Singhal, expressing concerns that something untoward may have happened to the young man. However, the family alleged that their pleas for help fell on deaf ears, and the police failed to take any action to locate the missing boy.
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Vaibhav's body has not been recovered yet and only his clothes and footwear were reportedly found. Angry traders and businessmen have closed the market, with them blocking the Dankaur Secunderabad main road in front of the Bilaspur police post and went on strike on Wednesday.
The family and the residents of the area questioned the police for their inaction. They raised slogans against the police administration and demanding accountability for the alleged negligence.
The grief-stricken family, along with the agitated traders, surrounded the Dankaur police station, leading to a heated confrontation with the police station in-charge and the additional DCP.
Inside the police station, slogans were raised against the police administration and the UP Police, intensifying the pressure on the authorities.