Rae Bareli: A shocking video that has hit the internet has raised questions over the law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh. The video that is being shared on social media shows a youth dancing with a pistol in his hand in Uttar Pradesh's Rae Bareli. The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the youth is dancing on DJ with a pistol in his hand. The video has led to a stir after it went viral on social media.
Police orders probe
The incident is said to have occurred in Bemaura village which falls under the Sareni Police Station area. The Police have taken cognizance of the video and have ordered a probe in connection with the matter.
The video was shot by an onlooker
The Police also said that the preliminary investigation has revealed that the video is quited old. However, it has asked the concerned Police Station to initiate an inquiry and take action against the youth. The video was shot by an onlooker and the video was made viral on social media.
'The video has been found to be quite old'
The Police said, "In the preliminary investigation, the said video has been found to be quite old. In-charge Inspector Sareni has been directed to investigate the said video and take strict preventive/legal action against the youth seen in the video."
Some kids run away as the youth loads the gun while dancing
The youth who was dancing with the pistol risked the lives of the people who were around him as the pistol could have been accidentally fired and anyone could have been seriously injured in the incident. Some kids are also seen in the video running away as the youth loads the gun while dancing.
A youth was spotted waving a pistol while riding a Bullet
Earlier, a youth was spotted waving a pistol while riding a Bullet in Lucknow. The youth risked his life by performing the dangerous stunt for making Reel and share it on social media to garner views on the video.
Action was taken against the youth
The video of the youth riding the Royal Enfield bike dangerously went viral on social media and the police came into action after the video hit the internet and arrested the youth. Action was taken against the youth for riding the bike recklessly and flouting the traffic norms.