Aligarh: A shocking video has emerged on social media in which a woman can be seen involved in a fight with police officers in Uttar Pradesh's Aligarh. The video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the woman is pulling and fighting with the police officers over a dispute. The woman alleged that the police officers took her mobile phone which she was trying to take back from them due to which the altercation escalated.
The woman is involved in an argument with the police officers
It can be seen in the video that the woman is involved in an argument with the police officers who allegedly took her mobile phone and also made her sign a blank paper. The woman is repeatedly urging the police officers to give her the phone back, which the police officers denied. The video of the incident is going viral on social media.
The police issued a statement over the incident
The police issued a statement over the incident and said that the husband of the woman was absconding in an old case due to which the police officers went to the woman to handover a notice in connection with the case. The woman has been identified as Suman and her husband Sandeep Garg. The police officers were from the Bannadevi police station in Aligarh. The woman alleged that the Inspector and the constable snatched her phone and also accused the police officers of indecency.
Investigation initiated in connection with the matter
The police said that the matter has been registered at the police station and an inquiry has been initiated in connection with the matter. The police also said that the investigation is being conducted after the woman levelled the allegations. The police said, "Sandeep Garg, the husband of the above woman, is named in FIR 436/23 Section 504/506/452 IPC police station Bannadevi, while doing the police work on the information, the government had gone to serve the notice. In relation to the mutual allegations made by the police and the woman, the investigation CO Handed over to Mrs. Suman. The woman's husband is absconding."