In a shocking incident at a government quarters near a police station in Agra, a female inspector from Rakabganj police station was found with a male inspector in objectionable circumstances. The male inspector’s wife, son, and other family members dragged the female inspector out of the resthouse, resulting in a physical altercation and commotion between the parties.
A video of the incident has gone viral on the internet, showing the female police officer being forcibly removed from the government resthouse . The video also showed a mob assaulting the male officer with slaps and punches. According to media reports, the female inspector, Shaili Rana, who is posted in the city zone of Agra Commissionerate, was reportedly having an affair with the police station in-charge posted in Muzaffarnagar district.
Reports from Hindi news websites indicate that the incident occurred at the Rakabganj police station, where Shaili Rana resides alone. This event has caused huge embarrassment for the Agra police, as the video continues to gain traction on social media, garanering numerous shares and views.
The police have yet to issue a response to the incident or take disciplinary action regarding the commotion that unfolded in front of the government quarters. However, the virality of the video has embarrassed Agra Police.
The incident highlights the complexities and challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in maintaining professional conduct and managing personal affairs, especially in the age of social media where information spreads rapidly and widely.