In a horrific incident, a woman was allegedly molested by an ambulance driver and his helper while transporting her terminally ill husband from a hospital in Lucknow to Siddharth Nagar. The accused are also reported to have disconnected the life support of the woman's husband, who later succumbed to his illness.
According to the police, the shocking incident took place in Basti district on the night of August 29. The two men allegedly assaulted the woman, tampered with her husband's oxygen support, and threw him out of the moving ambulance. A case has been registered against them on charges of culpable homicide, assault with intent to outrage modesty, wrongful confinement, and robbery.
The couple, residents of Siddharth Nagar, had been in Lucknow seeking neuro care for the husband. After failing to meet the medical expenses at a private hospital, the woman arranged for an ambulance to return home. In her police complaint, she stated that the driver and his helper harassed her while en route.
“I was forced to sit in the front seat while my brother sat with my husband in the back. The driver and his assistant began touching me inappropriately. Despite my objections, they continued,” the woman said. She added that her protests were ignored as the ambulance’s windows were shut, making it difficult for her voice to be heard outside.
Sensing her distress, the woman’s sick husband and brother protested. At around 11:30 p.m., the two men reportedly removed the husband's oxygen mask and threw him out of the ambulance. The woman’s brother was also attacked during the altercation.
The accused also stole ₹10,000, along with her jewelry and medical documents, before fleeing the scene. Despite her best efforts to arrange for another ambulance, her husband was declared dead upon arrival at Gorakhpur Medical College.
Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Lucknow, Jitendra Kumar Dubey, confirmed that a case had been lodged at the Ghazipur Police Station based on the woman’s complaint. “We are actively investigating the matter, and efforts are underway to apprehend the accused,” he said.
The police investigation is ongoing.