UP: In a tragic incident that has come to light from Uttar Pradesh, a woman was shot dead by her 26-year-old live-in partner. The incident reportedly took place on Thursday (August 17) in the Sushant Golf City area of Lucknow. The deceased, identified as Riya Gupta was shot at by her live-in partner Rishabh Singh.
Lucknow Southern DCP Vineet Jaiswal shared details on the investigation. While speaking to the media, Jaiswal informed, "At night on 17th August Sushant Golf City Police received information that a woman living in Paradise Crystal Apartments was shot dead by her live-in partner. The police reached the incident spot & the forensics team was also called."
"The woman's body was sent for post-mortem. The accused has been apprehended. Further investigation is underway," he further said.
As per local reports, the duo were in a relationship since November 2022. The victim, Riya Gupta was a divorcee. The accused was suspicious of his partner's character, hence took the extreme step of killing her. Rishabh, a resident of Lucknow's Krishna Nagar, surrendered before the police.
This is a developing story. More details are awaited.