Chandigarh: In a shocking incident in the Chandigarh District Court, a retired Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Punjab Police, Malwinder Singh Sidhu, shot and killed his son-in-law, Harpreet Singh on Saturday. Harpreet was an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer in the Agriculture Department. The incident occurred amidst an ongoing domestic dispute between the two families, who had come to the court for mediation.
The incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the victim is shot and he is being taken into an ambulance by the people present at the spot. However, the victim did not survive and lost his life during the treatment at the hospital.
About The Incident
Both families had been dealing with this domestic dispute for several months. They had visited the Chandigarh Family Court for mediation for the third time. Around 12 PM, Harpreet Singh arrived at the court with his parents, bringing a written settlement. The girl’s family arrived around 1:30 PM.
Fired Four To Five Shots
During the mediation session, Malwinder Singh Sidhu asked to use the bathroom. The mediator, Advocate Dheeraj Thakur, directed him to the restroom outside the room. Harpreet Singh offered to show his father-in-law the way. As they stepped outside, gunshots were heard moments later. Malwinder Sidhu fired four to five shots at Harpreet.
The lawyer saw Sidhu with a gun, shooting at Harpreet. The lawyer locked the mediation room from the inside, and everyone hid under the table. One bullet even hit the door of the mediation room. Hearing the shots, other court staff and lawyers gathered and captured Sidhu, locking him in a room.
The court security and local police arrived quickly. They took the injured Harpreet Singh to Sector-16 hospital, but he died on the way. The police and forensic teams are investigating the scene, which has been sealed off. The presiding judge and several other judges also visited the site.
Malwinder Singh Sidhu had been involved in controversies before. Last year, he was arrested in a corruption case and had a physical altercation with the police during his arrest. He had also made accusations against his son-in-law at that time.