Amritpal Singh, who claims to be a Khalistani leader and is the head of "Waris Punjab De," has threatened Union Minister Amit Shah over life. During his recent address in a village of Punjab, Singh said, "We will do the same to Amit Shah as happened to Indira Gandhi."
His agitated statements have created a stir in the political playgrounds of the state of Punjab.
Singh is also facing arrest along with five of his aides. They have been charged with several crimes, including kidnapping, theft, rioting, causing injury, and unlawful assembly.
Booked after complaint filed by Singh's former aide
The charges have been made based on a complaint filed by Singh's former aide, Varinder Singh, who was allegedly abducted and brutally beaten by Singh and his heavily-armed men. While one of the accused has been arrested, the police are conducting raids to apprehend the others.
Both state and union governments kept an eye on Khalistani elements to maintain peace
The actions of Singh and other separatist elements have been scrutinized, with Union Home Minister Amit Shah stating that both state and central governments are keeping an eye on Khalistani elements to maintain peace. In response to these statements and actions, Singh announced an open war against the Union government and disputed the accidental death of pro-Khalistan leader Deep Sidhu, building a false narrative against India and the Constitution.
Singh's open challenge to the police and the government is concerning, as it could lead to further violence and unrest. However, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has made it clear that nobody will be allowed to create hatred among communities. The police action against Singh and his armed men shows that the government is taking these threats seriously and is willing to take steps to maintain peace and security.