Mumbai: Congress leader and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra has reached Odisha on Wednesday. Rahul Gandhi has been facing attacks by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders since the day the yatra has started from Thoubal in Manipur on 14 January, 2024. The opposition has launched scathing attacks against the Congress leader after a purported video of Rahul Gandhi visiting a temple has emerged on social media.
The BJP leaders are sharing the video on social media and claiming the Rahul Gandhi asked the priest in the temple to apply small Tilak on his forehead. The BJP leaders went all guns blazing and made the video viral on social media.
'Chunavi Hindu'
The video which the BJP leaders are sharing on social media is from the Vedvyas Temple in Rourkela in Odisha. Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday reached Odisha during his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra and visited the Vedvyas Temple in Rourkela.
The opposition is attacking Rahul Gandhi and claiming the leader is 'Chunavi Hindu' (Electoral Hindu). The video was shared by BJP leader Amit Malviya claiming Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is a Chinavi Hindu. He shared the video on his official social media account and said, "Small Tika - electoral Hindu Rahul Gandhi."
Asked priest for small tika
Another BJP leader Y Satya Kumar who is also the National Secretary of the BJP, also shared the video of Rahul Gandhi on his social media account and claimed that the leader asked the priest to put a small tilak on his forehead.
He said, "During his latest visit to a temple, Rahul Gandhi can be heard saying to Pandit ji, 'Chhota Tika Lagana'. Why 'Chhota Tika' @RahulGandhi ji? Will it affect your appeasement politics during the 'Bharat Jodo Yatra'?"
Jairam Ramesh calls media 'unemployed'
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh came out in support of Rahul Gandhi and slammed the media for running viral videos against the Congress MP. He said, "...Sabse badi berozgari BJP ki media team main hai. They don't have anything else to do...All they do is run viral videos."
Rahul Gandhi dog biscuit controversy
Earlier, BJP leaders shared a video of Rahul Gandhi from his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra while giving a biscuit to a Congress worker which was rejected by a dog. The BJP leaders attacked Rahul Gandhi for his act and claimed that the Congress party leaders treat workers like dogs.
However, Rahul Gandhi issued clarification on the viral video and said that the dog was not eating the biscuit, so he handed over the biscuit to the owner of the dog.