In a heartbreaking incident, an Indian Army dog lost her life saving her handler in a gunfight during a search operation in Narla village in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district, officials said on Tuesday. The six-year-old dog named Kent led a column of soldiers on the trail of terrorists attempting to flee the scene.
"Army dog Kent was at the forefront of 'Operation Sujaligala'. Kent was leading a column of soldiers on the trail of the fleeing terrorists. It came down under heavy hostile fire. While shielding its handler, it laid down its life in the best traditions of the Indian Army," a defence spokesperson said, according to ANI.
Gunfight claims life of soldier
Additional Director General of Police, Jammu Zone, Mukesh Singh reportedly said that the gunfight broke out between terrorists and soldiers in Narla village.
"One terrorist and an Army soldier were killed while three security personnel - two Army jawans and one special police officer - were injured in the gunfight," he said.
The gunfight also killed an Indian army solider and wounded three security personnel, officials said. A suspected Pakistani terrorist was also killed in the operation.
How the events unfolded
According to authorities, security personnel launched a search and cordon operation in Patrada area on Monday following suspicious movement of two people. This eventually led to firing a few rounds.
However, the officials noted that the suspected terrorists managed to escape. The cordon and search operation was then spread to nearby areas.
The suspected terrorists left a bag behind with some clothes and other items. These were recovered by the search parties.