Ludhiana: In a shameful incident that was reported in Punjab's Ludhiana, a professional dancer who was performing at a wedding function was targeted and harassed by a group of guests who were reportedly under the influence of alcohol at the function. After a video capturing the act went viral on social media, 3 people were booked by Samrala Police in the incident.
The main accused is believed to be Head Constable Jagroop Singh of Punjab Police. He was reportedly deployed as one of the gunmen with Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP), posted at Police Commissionerate Ludhiana. The video shows how the dancer is putting up a brave retaliation to the incident even as the guests target her and insult her even throwing paper glasses at her. The incident was reported on Monday April 2nd at Gill Palace in Samrala.
Watch video here
The dancer not just gave a brave fight but went ahead and filed a complaint against the accused. As per a report in Hindustan Times, The complainant said, “The accused was reportedly under the influence of liquor, turned up near the stage and started misbehaving with me. He forced me to come down from the stage to dance with him and his friends. When I refused , he started abusing me and tried to pull me down from the stage. On objection, he hurled a glass at me, however I escaped unhurt. Other guests and orchestra group members intervened. After the function was over, I filed a complaint."
While the other accused apart from Constable Jagroop Singh are on the run. Case has been registered and action is being taken is what the police have confirmed.