During the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) mega rally in Delhi on Sunday, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann unleashed a scathing attack against Prime Minister Modi. Mann said, "If BJP wins elections in 2024 then there will be no elections. Narendra Modi will become Narendra Putin if BJP wins 2024 polls."
He further said that, "BJP leaders have started to consider Modi as ‘Malik’ of India. If 140 crore Indians decide to save India, country will be saved."
AAP's maha rally in Delhi
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) protested against the Centre's ordinance on service control in the capital with a "maha rally" in Delhi's Ramlila Maidan today on June 11. AAP MP Sanjay Singh, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, Delhi AAP leader and Minister Gopal Rai, and Delhi Chief Minister and AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal all spoke during the gathering.
Mann had made similar comments on PM Modi when he accompanied Delhi CM Kejriwal, AAP MP Sanjay Singh to meet former Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray in Mumbai last month. They had visited the city to seek support for the AAP's fight against the Centre's ordinance on control of services in Delhi.
Protesting against ordinance
Sunday's (June 11) event was organised by the city's ruling party to denounce an ordinance on services issued by the central government. The AAP has called for the ordinance to be revoked and said that the Central government should change its mind and put the well-being of the people of Delhi first.
Kejriwal had encouraged citizens of the nation's capital to attend the "maha rally" in huge numbers. According to a party spokesperson who spoke to PTI, the party has engaged in intensive campaigning and has reached out to the public to inform them about the law and how it will affect their daily life.