Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a swipe at opposition parties on Sunday during his visit to Azamgarh in Uttar Pradesh, where he inaugurated and initiated several development projects. Speaking to a large crowd, he remarked that unlike previous administrations that made promises during elections and then vanished, adding that he is made of "doosri mitti (different type of clay)".
"People in previous governments used to make announcements to deceive people... When I analyse, I find that announcements made 30–35 years ago (were never fulfilled). They used to put up a plaque before elections, and later, it would disappear...leaders would also vanish," the Prime Minister said.
Foundation stones lain in 2019 inaugurated now: PM Modi
Continuing his tirade against opposition parties, PM Modi said, "Modi doosri mitt ka insaan hai. The foundation stones we laid in 2019 were not for elections. You can see that we have inaugurated it too."
His remarks referred to the criticism from opposition leaders regarding PM Modi's tendency to inaugurate projects and make announcements prior to the Lok Sabha elections. Nonetheless, the Prime Minister countered, stating that the opposition has placed him in the same league as the "old mindset," where leaders would surface before elections to make commitments and assurances, only to vanish thereafter.
"Even (now) in 2024, nobody should see it (inauguration of projects and laying of foundation stones) through the glass of elections. This is the campaign of my journey for development. I am galloping to fulfil the vision of making India 'Viksit Bharat' by 2047, and making the country also gallop," PM Modi added.