Belagavi, January 3: In a shocking incident, a childcare centre worker's nose was chopped off by an angry owner of a garden in Karnataka's Belagavi district after children plucked flowers without permission, police said on Wednesday. The incident took place in Basurte village and the victim was identified as 50-year-old Sugandha More, who is currently in a critical condition.
Kalyani More, became enraged when children entered his garden
According to the police, the accused, Kalyani More, became enraged when children from the state government-run Anganwadi childcare centre entered his garden and plucked flowers.
Kalyani More verbally abused Sugandha More and attacked her
Kalyani More verbally abused Sugandha More and attacked her with a sickle. The brutal attack resulted in the victim's nose being chopped off, leading to profuse bleeding.
She is now fighting for her life
The blood had entered her lungs, and she is now fighting for her life, the police said. The incident, which happened on January 1, has only recently come to light. Kakathi police have registered the case, but the accused is yet to be arrested.