Bengaluru: A 20-year-old man from Karnataka's Hospet district was arrested on Thursday night (October 12) for allegedly putting up a WhatsApp status "supporting" Palestine through "provocative" slogans that he uploaded on the messaging platform, according to local news media reports. The man has been identified as Alam Basha and is a resident of the Hospet district. He was arrested by Vijayanagar Police for allegedly putting up "provocative" slogans in support of Palestine. A deadly war rages on between Israel and Palestine following attack by the terror organisation Hamas on Israel and its civilians on October 7.
The photo of the man who was arrested for uploading the questionable slogans was shared on social media platforms by some users with knowledge of the case and local media reports.
The man has been taken into custody and will be produced before the magistrate on Friday (October 13), local news media reports said.
A case has been filed against the man under sections 108 and 151 of the CrPC, as per local news media outlets.
Israel-Palestine conflict turns into war after Hamas attacks Israel
The decades old Israel-Palestine conflict that has a history of flaring up has turned into a full-fledged "war" after Israel said that it would attack Hamas, the terrorist group that was behind the attacks on Israeli citizens on its soil on October 7. Israel said that it lost over 1,000 civilians and that several of its people were held hostage by Hamas terrorists.
In retaliation, Israel has bombed the city of Gaza and over 2,000 people have reportedly died in the constant bombardment by Israeli forces. The war rages on with Israel promising to "wipe out" Hamas. Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also arrived in Israel for his October 11-13 in the strife hit country to hold discussions on the issue.