Judge Dinesh Chandra Shukla, who sentenced gansgter-politician Atiq Ahmed to life imprisonment, has been given 'Y-Plus' category security due to an increased threat perception.
Security has also been beefed up around the MP-MLA court in Prayagraj where the Samajwadi Party leader was convicted along with two others in the 2006 abduction of Umesh Pal.
Under Y+ security, four security personnel will guide the protectee in two shifts along with a security vehicle throughout India. It is the country's fourth security level comprising an 11-member crew, which includes one or two NSG commandos and police personnel.
Umesh Pal kidnapping case
After the killing of BSP MLA Raju Pal on January 25, 2005, Umesh Pal, then a Zila Panchayat member, had told police he was a witness to the murder. Umesh Pal reportedly said that when he refused to retract and buckle under pressure from Ahmed, he was kidnapped at gunpoint on February 28, 2006.
The FIR was registered on July 5, 2007, against Ahmed, his brother, and four unidentified people.
Umesh Pal was gunned down outside his home
Umesh Pal was gunned down outside his Prayagraj residence on February 24. Twelve cases of murder are registered against Atiq in cases ranging from 1984 to other cases in 1991, 1995, 2001, 2002 adn 2005.