In a shocking CCTV video that has surfaced from Punjab's Jalandhar district, a police personnel was ran over by a speeding car on Thursday at the high-tech checkpoint in Kawan Pattan village adjacent to Sutlej river in Shahkot. ASI Surjit Singh, resident of Bajwa Kalan, is posted in Jalandhar Dehat Police. In the video, it can be clearly seen that the driver ran over the cop after which the car lost control and hoewever soon he controlled the speed and fled the spot instead of extending help.
ASI Surjit critical
The condition of ASI Surjit remains critical. CCTV video of the entire incident has surfaced, in which the car is seen dragging the ASI after hitting it.
ASI Surjit Singh, resident of Bajwa Kalan, is posted in Jalandhar Dehat Police. On Thursday, his duty was imposed at the high-tech checkpoint in Kawan Pattan village adjacent to Sutlej river in Shahkot. At the checkpoint in the afternoon, he signaled the white Jane car to stop. Instead of stopping the car, the driver drove away. Seeing the car coming towards him at speed, ASI Surjit tried to move to the side.
The driver ran the car over the ASI and dragged him and dropped him on the divider at some distance. After this the car again came on the highway and stopped after hitting the railing. The driver immediately got down from the car and ran away.
(This story was first published on January 12, 2024 and updated on February 4, 2024)