In an unfortunate incident that marked a new low in the Indian Parliamentary tradition, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Lok Sabha MP Ramesh Bidhuri unleashed a barrage of offensive remarks against fellow MP Danish Ali, who represents the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) from the Amroha Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh. This shocking episode took place during parliamentary proceedings on Thursday, September 21.
Offensive Language Used
Ramesh Bidhuri, who represents the South Delhi constituency in the Lok Sabha, stooped to the use of highly derogatory language in reference to Danish Ali. He referred to Ali as a "Muslim ugrawadi" (Muslim terrorist), "Bharwa" (pimp), and "katwa" (circumcised). In one particularly egregious comment, Bidhuri declared, "Ye mulla aatankwadi hai, bahar pheko naa iss mulle ko" ("This Muslim is a terrorist, throw this guy out").
Dr. Harsh Vardhan's Involvement
What further escalated this shocking incident was the involvement of former Union health minister and BJP leader Dr. Harsh Vardhan. Surprisingly, he was seen laughing and cheering at these highly objectionable slurs directed at Danish Ali. This led to widespread outrage and condemnation on social media.
Dr. Harsh Vardhan's Response
In the wake of the backlash, Dr. Harsh Vardhan released a statement addressing his involvement in the matter. He claimed that he was being unfairly dragged into the controversy and clarified that he couldn't clearly hear what was being said by both MPs during the heated exchange on the floor of the House. In his statement, he expressed his dismay at being associated with derogatory language that would hurt any community's sentiments.
Dr. Harsh Vardhan also defended his track record of working closely with the Muslim community throughout his public life, highlighting his upbringing in Chandni Chowk, where he played with Muslim friends. He reiterated his commitment to the welfare of all communities and lamented the attempt by vested political interests to tarnish his image with negative and fabricated stories.
While acknowledging the verbal exchanges within the chaotic parliamentary setting, Dr. Harsh Vardhan emphasized that he couldn't clearly hear the content of those exchanges. He reaffirmed his dedication to his principles and the welfare of the nation, asserting that he has always stood by them, free from apology.