In a horrific and tragic incident, a man on a motorcycle lost his life when a canopy of crumbling house fell on him in Panipat, Haryana. The incident happened in Pachranga Bazar, where the man had gone shopping with his wife, who escaped with minor injuries. A passerby sustained a broken leg in the incident.
The disturbing accident was captured in CCTV. The footage showed, the couple on the bike in a lane where the house was being demolished at that unfortunate moment. Tragically, a portion of the balcony wall crumbled and fell onto the couple as they were passing by.
Warning: The following video may be disturbing to some people. Discretion is advised.
Man trapped under debris
The woman jumped from the bike to save herself and sustained minor injuries but Sushil sadly came under the falling wall, which came crashing down on him. He was trapper under the debris and died on the spot.
The CCTV footage shows his wife running to save Sushil. The accident triggered chaos in the market and the passersby rushed to pull him out. However, by then he had lost his life.
A passerby was also injured in the incident that triggered outrage among the people in the area.
Authorities launch investigation
Angry shopkeepers said that the workers were negligent during the demolition of the building. It is reported that the building that was about 80-year-old and was in a deteriorating condition.
DSP Satish Gautam said that the police launched an investigation into the matter and will bring culprit to justice.