Gurugram, February 12: In a tragic incident, a two-year-old boy died after he consumed paint thinner mistaking it for drinking water in Gurugram's Sohna area, the police said on Monday. The victim, 2-year-old Hakshan from Hatin in Haryana, consumed the chemical substance while mistaking it for water, the police said.
According to the police, the victim's parents visited Sohna village to attend a marriage function. They didn’t notice their child consuming the chemical. A relative of the family had bought the thinner, meant to be used for mixing with paint for painting work in the house, the police said.
Police Takes Cognizance
After the child consumed the chemical substance, he swooned and began to froth. Shocked on seeing him lying unconscious, the parents took the child to a government hospital in Sohna where the doctors declared him brought dead. The police have initiated proceedings under Section 174 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.