The Gurugram cyber crime police have arrested four persons, including three managers of Kotak Mahindra Bank, for allegedly opening over 2,000 fraudulent accounts with a view to abet cyber crimes.
The managers – assistant manager Mohit Rathi and deputy managers Mahesh Kumar and Vishwkarma Maurya - operated out of the MG Road branch, Gurugram, where they were working for the past eight months.
Details of fraud
The police said, the managers misguided people from Bilaspur into opening accounts and then passed on their account and credit card details to hacker gangs of Nuh in Haryana who would siphon funds using them. Over 2,000 such accounts were opened. Nuh is the epicentre of cyber frauds in the country apart from Jamtara.
One Hayat acted as the middleman obtaining data from the trio and delivering to cyber criminals for perpetrating financial scams worth crores by deceiving targeted victims into making urgent online transfers. The lid was blown when one such episode was reported last November.
Further investigations are being conducted by the police to unravel the full ramifications of the racket.
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