A shocking incident has surfaced in Pandav Nagar, East Delhi, involving the alleged sexual assault of a 4-year-old girl. According to reports, the young girl was targeted at her tuition center by an unidentified man.
Additional CP Sagar Singh Kalsi of Delhi Eastern Range said, "A complaint was lodged yesterday at the Mandawali police station, reporting that a 34-year-old man assaulted a 4-year-old girl at her tuition center. Prompt action was taken, and the accused has been apprehended."
Following the revelation of this heinous act, residents of Pandav Nagar expressed their outrage through protests, some resorting to acts of vandalism. The situation escalated due to rumors circulating in the area suggesting a lack of action from authorities.
However, law enforcement intervened to restore order. Police presence has pacified the area, assuring the safety of the girl.
DCP East Apoorva Gupta clarified, "Contrary to rumors, the girl's condition is stable. She has undergone medical examination and is receiving counseling. I urge everyone not to fall prey to false information propagated with ill intent."