Bengaluru: The city witnessed the sunrise at 06:07 am and is likely to set at 6:42 pm on Tuesday. The minimum and maximum temperatures are expected to hover between 21 degrees Celsius and 27 degrees Celsius. On Monday, the city experienced heavy rainfall in North Interior Karnataka and South Interior Karnataka. According to the IMD, light to moderate rainfall is anticipated in the city.
However, moderate to heavy rain with overcast skies is predicted in South Interior Karnataka. The wind is expected to continue blowing steadily from the North at a speed of 11 km/h. Whereas the citizens will likely get some relief from the extreme humidity, which is expected to be 70 per cent.
IMD predicted rainfall in the city
According to the IMD, scattered to moderate rainfall is likely to occur in coastal cities and North Interior Karnataka. However, moderate to heavy rainfall is predicted in the South Interior Karnataka.
Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre (KSNDMC) gave an update regarding the weather and wrote, "Next 5 days #Rain #Forecast and #Warnings: (Source:IMD) Scattered to moderate rains are expected over the southern hinterland, coastal and hilly districts adjoining the coastal districts of the state, with scattered heavy rains from August 13 to August 16."
Weather report for August 14
The sun is expected to rise at 06:07 am on Wednesday and will likely set at 6:41 pm. The wind will likely blow steadily from the Northeast. According to the IMD, light rain with thunderstorms is expected. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall is anticipated in South Interior Karnataka. Citizens are advised to avoid roaming near coastal areas and the river banks.