In a shocking incident that has surfaced from Bengaluru of Karnataka, a 1-day old girl child was allegedly flung out of a building in PS Tilak Nagara area of Bengaluru in Karnataka and left to die. Social Activist, Member of Parliament & Former Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Women- Swati Maliwal took to X and posted a letter that she wrote to Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah.
Swati Maliwal said in her post, "A heart-wrenching video of a 'one-day-old' girl being thrown from a building and murdered in Bengaluru has gone viral. The girl has died in the hospital. A letter has been written to @siddaramaiah ji that an FIR should be lodged immediately and strict action should be taken against the criminals"
Meanwhile, some unconfirmed local media reports said that the baby was thrown in a gap between two buildings and the baby lied their for hours till some residents heard her cries. Reports said that the baby was rescued and admitted to Indira Gandhi Hospital. Media reports said that the baby was found lying in the gap in Wednesday January 23. Medical examination reportedly revealed that the baby had suffered rodents, dog bites. Reports also said that Tilak Nagar Police have initiated an investigation into the incident.
It is yet to be confirmed if the child has survived or not. Also the reports that the investigation has been initiated need confirmation.