Bengaluru: On August 3, Bengaluru police discovered the severely decomposed body of Gavin James Young, a 59-year-old British national, living in an apartment located in Koramangala VII Block. The deceased was identified as a chef who had been residing in the United States. According to The Times of India, Young’s death is suspected to be a suicide resulting from an overdose of medication. A suicide note was found at the scene, leading authorities to believe that he took his own life.
Circumstances Leading To Discovery
Young had been renting the apartment from Jagadish through Airbnb since July 1. He requested Jagadish not to contact him until August 1, citing work commitments that involved night shifts. Residents of the building noticed a foul odor emanating from the flat and informed Jagadish. When attempts to contact Young failed, Jagadish forced entry into the apartment, where he discovered Young's decomposed body. Jagadish then alerted the authorities.
The police have secured Young’s body in a mortuary and are collaborating with the UK embassy to notify his family. They have initiated a case of suspicious death. At the scene, law enforcement found syringes and multiple strips of medication. Young, who was diabetic and on insulin, had additional medications for blood pressure and other health issues. The presence of numerous pill strips, including some that were empty, suggests that he may have consumed an excessive amount of medication. The police estimate that Young’s death likely occurred on August 1, although an autopsy will confirm the exact time and cause of death. There were no signs of forced entry or a struggle at the scene.
Residency Status
Authorities discovered Young’s UK passport and are verifying his visa status. Preliminary information indicates that he may have entered India on a tourist visa in April. The police are working to confirm whether he was employed in Bengaluru.
Current Status
The investigation into Young’s death is ongoing. The police are in contact with the UK embassy and are making efforts to reach out to his family. The autopsy report will provide further insights into the cause and timing of his death.