The All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) Delhi began free insulin distribution services today for poor patients suffering from diabetes on the occasion of World Diabetes Day. For all patients prescribed insulin from any OPD of AIIMS, free insulin vials will be provided to them.
Where to get free insulin?
To provide this free facility, AIIMS has opened two new counters at Amrit Pharmacy, in front of the New Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur OPD building in the national capital. These counters will be open from 9 am to 5 pm every day. In addition, the insulin distribution counters will also provide written advice in Hindi and English (which will be given to all patients at the time of distribution) for safe transport and storage of insulin vials.
For long-distance patients
For patients who are likely to travel long distances, frozen ice packs will be provided to safely carry the vials at the recommended temperature to their place of residence. To start with, insulin vials will be issued for a treatment duration of one month, which may be increased to 2-3 months in the future.
About World Diabetes Day
The World Diabetes Day is observed on November 14 each year. It is observed by various government institutions academic and professional organisations. Campaigns through social media on awareness generation about risk factors for diabetes, a healthy lifestyle, and the need for early detection are undertaken by the government on this occasion.
Camps for awareness generation and population screening for common non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including diabetes, are also organized at the India International Trade Fair.