Planet Tracker: Five-Planet Rendezvous In Taurus Set To Shake Up The World In Unexpected Ways

Planet Tracker: Five-Planet Rendezvous In Taurus Set To Shake Up The World In Unexpected Ways

The entire world might be at the mercy of a few planets from May 31, 2024 to June 12, 2024

Mansi FPJ Features DeskUpdated: Monday, July 01, 2024, 08:12 PM IST

The entire world might be at the mercy of a few planets from May 31, 2024 to June 12, 2024. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus have decided to station themselves in the sign of Taurus. This conjunction can create havoc, especially so as it is in an Earth sign. They will be joined by Moon for three days, around New Moon, between June 4 and June 6. This meeting will not be exactly fruitful for many.

Since these planets have chosen to dance around in different nakshatras while being in Taurus, they will influence each other’s patterns. While Venus should have been happy to be home, big brother Jupiter and young Mercury don’t make it a merry home coming. With Sun joining the gang a little combustion effect is guaranteed. This tussle will reflect on the world resulting in natural calamities.

As this conjunction is in Earth sign, earthquakes in southern parts of India are predicted. With Moon passing through during its dark phase, India might witness some upheavals. Agitations and political unrest is a possibility in the first week of June.

The worldwide impact of this conjunction is not great as well. Challenges of varied kinds will be witnessed. Strained inter-country relations, epidemics, floods, cyclones could be a part of the itinerary for the next 15 days. Stock market will be in a fluctuating mood as well.

No point in getting scared. This is just a warning to help gear ourselves up for some challenging times ahead. Remember, life is a wheel of fortune that keeps turning.

And not everything is bleak. Some good stuff is around the corner too. Creative people and students should be less worried.

Let’s see how some of the signs will be impacted individually. These predictions are Vedic. Please refer to your Moon Sign before reading.


You are witnessing the rendezvous. Health is the key word for you and your spouse/significant other. Ensure that you are taking all necessary precautions when you are travelling. Your significant other might fall sick or have an accident. Double check if health insurance is renewed. When traveling, don’t forget to take travel insurance.


Not a good time for investing. Don’t play in the stock market or gamble. Any kind of speculation related to money or wealth is not going to be fruitful for you. Unexpected expenses might be just round the corner. Don’t indulge in unnecessary splurges. Keep a tab on spending.  This is a tough time at work. Just give your best to all that you do. Do not hesitate to spend more time to finish the task on hand.


Like all Earth signs, you need to be careful too about your partner’s health, and yours too. Your significant other will require your attention. Get their health checkup done to rule out complications. Renew the health insurance in time. The silver lining for you is that you will face less opposition at business and job. Your enemies will suddenly shun away from you and/or be of help.


Take care of your finances. Double check all accounts, bills, and auto payment instructions. Chances of double payment cannot be denied. While doing electronic payments, recheck the figure. You might just add an extra zero and end up paying a lot more than you intended. Control your attitude at your place of work. If you are an entrepreneur, don’t throw your weight around. Be concerned about your employees’ troubles and help them.


Your love life could see turmoil. Don’t take your loved one for granted. Invest in the relationship. Offer that extra care. If you have children, do not bully them. This time they may just turn around and be rebellious. And shake of that laziness that descends on you thanks to this conjunction and combustion. Work towards maintaining harmony. Do some social work to elevate your social status.


Curb your impulses. Your impulsive indulgences might land you into serious financial mess. Also, please control your arrows archer. Don’t shoot through the mouth. Think before you talk. You could hurt someone and lose that relationship permanently. Sometimes an apology doesn’t mend the break, and this is that one time. You will see legal victories. Elders at home may suffer from health issues.


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